
Directed by Ariel Ford

California State University, Northridge



Directed by Ariel Ford

18:26 min



“Kuanza,” directed by Ariel Ford, is set in the late 1850s and chronicles the love story of Anaya Jabari, a Kenyan slave, and Robert Duncan, her owner’s son. When Anaya gives birth to their child, pandemonium erupts on the plantation, and the pair are forced to make hard choices.

“Kuanza,” dirigida por Ariel Ford, está ambientada a finales de la década de 1850 y narra la historia de amor de Anaya Jabari y Robert Duncan, el hijo de su dueño. Cuando Anaya da a luz a su hijo, el pandemonio estalla en su plantación y la pareja se ve obligada a tomar decisiones difíciles.